Cyberspace Culture Community is a division of American Communications
We share independent contractors links that friend our Authors, Consultants, Orators, Podcasters, Youtubers.
The TJ Morris Agency shares as Agent of Service for Historians of the ACE Folklife Society.
We share esoterics books and spiritual science books sharing ancient wisdom and new thought teachings.
We share the domain.
Avatars of the Earth Gathering with Brad Olsen – esteemed author Bret Lueder.
Dianne Robbins channels Adama of the Ascended Masters of Telos and the legend and theories shared with Bret Lueder and Brad Olsen..
Philos will be your escort and a Facade will open up and one can walk in a door way on Mt. Shasta.
Many entrances but looked earthly human Val Thor, came back as Randy Joseph and wolves share as
wolf brothers and those who can speak with animals.
We share Brad Olsen Author-Researcher- Publisher of his own CCC Publishing Brand and
Bret Lauder also an author, and researcher of the UFO Phenomenon.
Bret Lauder and Brad Olsen became friends in California and share how the UFOS can transmute into another matter.
Bret Lueder shares a UFO Association of Information Campaign and in his UFO Hunters Guide shares
various hot spots.
Theresa J Morris shares the Ascension Masters with the Ascended Masters and the 4th and 5th dimensions, or inner earth, or possibly time travel abilities.
The role in the PR campaign and possible cities below Mt. Shasta as Telos.
WE HONOR BRAD OLSEN’s For Thought with his own similar brand CCC in 1995.
CCC Publishing
CCC Publishing is the book publishing business started by Brad Olsen. The Consortium of Collective Consciousness began as an artist warehouse in February, 1995 by Brad Olsen and three American travel friends who met in Goa, India the year before.
Brad Olsen has been a published artist since he was 14 years old. Starting in 1979 as a political cartoonist for his high school newspaper he continued his craft five years later at Illinois State University’s college newspaper. His comic strip was renowned for its witty satire and biting criticisms. A decade later he founded Consortium of Collective Consciousness Publishing in San Francisco, the city where his office is still located. The business has produced 27 book titles including In Search of Adventure: A Wild Travel Anthology, featuring 80 different authors. Key to Solomon’s Key: Is This the Lost Key of Masonry? by Lon Milo DuQuette, was released in the second edition in 2010. Brad’s first book World Stompers: A Global Travel Manifesto, now in its fifth edition, was lauded by film director Oliver Stone as a “subversive masterpiece of travel writing” and Publisher’s Weekly labeled it a “quirky chain pleaser.” His travel web site relating to the book ( was Microsoft Network’s “Site of the Week” and continues to rank as a “Top 5%” Lycos site. CCC Publishing released The Intuitive Warrior by Michael Jaco in 2022, and the follow-up book Awakening of a Warrior in 2024.
I Theresa J Morris, we are family members and Brad and Bret share in the future of the CCC
and how we in the American Communications Online (ACO) and the (CCC) Cyberspace Culture Community Paranormal Hot Spot of the Avatars Gathering and sacret Mt. Shasta.
Ascension Rock
The node that releases over the top shaft of the GOlden Center.
Ambassador to Telos is Adama for the legend which Bret Lueder believes sends messages through channelers.
A narrative above the city or raise your frequency one can access another dimension or meet a guide but etheraelly, and Micos the Librarian, Philos, and Rosa Lee, or Rose as the PR Campaign which Theresa J Morris represents.
The message of slumber and awakening is the Ascension. Many people share the location.
Bret Lueder goes through Redding and many people share the Varias stories of Hollow Earth. When they dream or go into meditation or Hypnogogic states.