Saeed David Farman – Commander Alien Event



Saeed is the CEO of BIOMED EXPO, Director of Alien event & Founder of the New Humanity Movement.

Saeed David Farman is an international Icon a Futurist, New Humanity Movement Founder a global consciousness movement & CEO of 5D events.

Saeed is a Health and Wellness Researcher, he is a Pioneer of Quantum Transcendental Transformation Shift in ASCENSION. Since 1985 he has been in consciousness research. Saeed has traveled to Energy sites in Cusco, Machu Picchu in Peru, Brazil, Iran, Thailand, Mexico, France, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria and Glastonbury, UK. Saeed is the CEO/ Director of 5D Events a Science & Consciousness event business in Los Angeles, Berkley, Las Vegas and London for past 8 years which it has changed many lives in each event for many people.

 For past 25 years Saeed has been be researching different fields and sciences such as UFOLOGY, ET contact/ Exopolitics, MARS, Terra Forming, Teleportation, Time travel, Spiritual UFOLOGY in ET Contact, Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, Mysticism, Sufism, Bible Code, Pyramidology, Meditation, Prophecy, Energy Healing, Remote Viewing, Telepathy, Future Life Regression 30,000 years forward, had few Near Death experiences, Flotation Tank out of body research that has changed his views in life. Saeed Studied Advanced Pure Mathematics in UK passed the university of London test plus Computer Science extension courses in UCLA, California. Saeed has 27 years of Management experience in computer industry been CEO, President and Vice President of different companies in Distribution and manufacturing with managing over 30 employees he has achieved over $20 million in annual sales record in D& B record in 1994. Saeed has also studied Sufism of Grand Saint of all saints Ibn Arabi of Andalusia, Spain & Moulana Jalaaudin Rumi’s Philosophy under Sufi Master PIR Vilayat Inayat Khan former head of Sufi order of America the Chishti Sufi order for many years.

Saeed is IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Advanced Energy Healer and is a Life and Relationship Coach. Saeed has New Visions for New Humanity that will change the future like nothing before!

New Humanity Movement consists of a global group of Awakened, Humanitarian, Peace loving humans who believe in a new Earth with common goals for a totally different future outcome, our Movement is currently rewriting a new Future in a positive direction for mankind by bringing forward new ideas and ways for living in harmony and peace with a universal code of ethics and standards, New Humanity Movement is a Global one has no borders & looks at humanity as one entity, members discuss, share, research and implement new possibilities in Science, Technology, Health, Healing, ET contact, Space exploration, Spiritual expansion & Transformation of Consciousness, Permaculture and how to create a new path for Humanity with Global Peace, Freedom, Free energy, Free Speech, moving away from current banking system, Geo Engineering, GMO food industrialization, Mind control spying systems, Militarization, Secret societies, Nuclearization of the planet, Warmongering strategies & Enslavement of masses, purpose of the New Humanity Movement is to help assist our whole planet to shift into a higher state of consciousness & awareness.

Presentation at the Opening Ceremonies:

Opening the Gates of Consciousness

^^^Grand Panel of Alientologists

Panel Host: Cosmic 1, Commander Saeed David FARMAN

Keynote Presentation:

Ai and Aliens VS Humanity, connecting the dots.

Sunday Panel Host of: Achieving Results Panel: 

Culmination of what we said and learned at this event.

Panel Speakers: All speakers at the event.

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